Stability in the face of uncertainties

In this life, there are many hurdles to the exercise of our faith in Christ. As you know, without faith it is impossible to please God or receive from Him. However, when faith meets wisdom you shift into a fast rack of progress. In this turbulent season, we need God’s wisdom to navigate the way…

In this life, there are many hurdles to the exercise of our faith in Christ. As you know, without faith it is impossible to please God or receive from Him. However, when faith meets wisdom you shift into a fast rack of progress. In this turbulent season, we need God’s wisdom to navigate the way forward. Only a faith-driven life will overcome obstacles on the way.
When external winds of change meet internal agitations of doubt,variances and hesitations; the result is a casting to the edge of one’s hope and faith.
James 1:5-8
#1~Unstable people are driven and tossed by circumstances

Unstable believers are those who have a fickle faith. Their faith is not rooted deep enough in the faithfulness and love of Yahweh.They perceive challenges as failure and hopelessness. It is difficult for them to see the beauty, majesty, kindness of Elohim when faced with challenges. To them life in Christ is without pain: the presence and reality of pain shakes their faith to the core. Because they lack wisdom, they would not count it all joy when they go through diverse kinds and measures of trials. It takes the immeasurable and perfect wisdom from above to have a winning attitude towards the challenges of life. Wise and successful people see an opportunity to invent solutions in the midst of a crisis. They devote their time to seeking solutions instead of complaining about the situation. They lift their heads high above the cloud of common talk. A weak faith fails to stand toe-to-toe with sweeping world trends. It succumbs easily to the waves of populism. Because of instability, they who are of weak faith become susceptible to deception.
“Failure is nothing but an opportunity to start again more intelligently “. Henry Ford

#2~Doubtful people are unstable
It’s the doubtful who waver in faith when troubles show up at the door. Doubt separates a believer from his position of trust and hope. A mind gripped by doubt staggers between hope and fear; between doing and not doing. Doubt causes them to become easily distracted by temporary conditions. When a man is attacked by doubt, he becomes increasingly hesitant to take steps of faith. Doubt is like a cyclone that blows up the air within the elements causing water to be driven by sea surfs. A mind full of doubt tosses like a pendulum between opposing opinions. 1 Kings 18:21

#3~Therefore, doubtful people are driven and tossed by boisterous waves
James says, such people should not expect to lay hold of their portion. Although Christ has died and procured eternal blessings for them; indecisiveness robs them of the benefits of partaking in the covenant promises. They also lack the wisdom to seize, claim, activate and enjoy tangible blessings. Many opportunities pass through their hands. Their agenda is driven by circumstances rather than Yahshua. This happens because their faith is superficial and lacks substance.

It is pathetic to hear the word continuously and yet still fail to demonstrate understanding and courage in what it proclaims. I encourage you today to put your faith to work. As Brian Tracy puts it:”success is nothing but goals achieved “. You will be amazed by what God will do as you step up in faith. Victory belongs to you in the name of Yahshua. The trials you are facing are there to purify, strengthen and optimize your faith. Do not be terrified by persecutions and threats, the Lord is carrying you in His capable and everlasting arms.
Yahweh Elohim barak you