This is a leadership and mentorship program aimed at transferring knowledge, wisdom and skills to the succeeding generations. The bedrock of Rechabite Movement is “generational thinking”. We have come to realize particularly in Africa the need to think and lead with future generations in mind. It has become a normalcy in Africa for each generation to start from scratch. Our forefathers failed to leave a lasting legacy behind for their successors and the chain seems to run unbroken into coming generations. The habit is to plan for our times only and ignore the future. This greatly hampers future developments.

Rechabite movement strives to bridge the gap by coming up with programs and platforms that enables those blessed with rich experiences and wisdom to impart potential leaders and achievers.

We have so far held one ministers’ conference; conducted a regional leadership conference for Assemblies of God in Botswana on “Strategic leadership and administration”; conducted a “Local Church Development Seminar ” for Joyous Christian Church and a “Youth Empowerment Workshop ” for Assemblies of God in Maun. This is only the beginning of greater things as we look forward to a season of increase. Beyond the church, we have worked with companies such as “Willy Kathurima Associates” for their staff development. We continue to receive invitations from government departments to come to their aid.

Our interactive approach is ultimately: the mission of not talking at people but to talk with them. The authenticity of the program and credibility are some phenomena like none other. Leaving a legacy behind for our children is something that should be at the fore front of any parents’ plans. Rechabite programs teach today’s generation to have a vision, pursue it passionately and to be ’generational minded’. Success is intentional.

We believe that in our pursuit to moulding the next generation, they will ultimately leave an inheritance for their children. That their vision will transcend beyond their graves. Metaphorically speaking “The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under who’s shade you do not expect to sit.” – Nelson Henderson.